Informazioni aziendali

SCHÜCO International KG


New office building with solar facade becomes a green powerhouse

This new office building in Stuttgart, Germany, known as OWP 12 referring to its address, was created...


Schüco acquires 100,000 square metres at a business park Germany

Schüco is expanding its range of services and acquiring 100,000 square metres of space at Gewerbepark Flugplatz Gütersloh...

Schüt Duis Fenster & Türentechnik GmbH & Co. KG


Neuer Geschäftsführer bei Schüt-Duis

Niels Fritzsche ist neues Mitglied der Geschäftsführung der Schüt-Duis...


Energetisches Dreigestirn

In einer engen Kooperation mit Schüt-Duis entwickelte Talishaus ein fertigungstechnisches Verfahren für die Produktion von Heizisolierglasscheiben in großem...


René Precker übernimmt Vertriebsleitung bei Schüt-Duis

Seit dem 01. April hat Schüt-Duis einen neuen Vertriebsleiter: René Precker, gelernter Tischlermeister, Master-Coach und Business Trainer, bringt 29 Jahre Berufserfahrung und wertvolles Know-How aus der Fensterbau-Branche...


Schüt-Duis baut Produktion und Logistik von Isolierglas weiter aus

Durch eine Umstrukturierung des Unternehmenssitzes in Aurich bekommen Isolierglas-Produktion und Logistik mehr Raum. Für Kunden bedeutet dies zuverlässige Verfügbarkeit und noch schnellere Lieferung – auch bei der...

SCR-Sibelco NV


Sibelco expands silica sand reserves in the north of Spain

Sibelco today announced that it acquired Echasa S.A., a mining company active in the extraction of silica sand from the Laminoria quarry located near Vitoria in the Basque Country, Northern Spain, 160 kilometers away from Sibelco’s nearest silica...


Sibelco invests in emerging Australian producer of low-iron silica

Sibelco today committed to invest AUD 49 million (EUR 32 million) in Diatreme Resources Limited, an emerging Australian developer of mineral and silica mines based in Brisbane,...


Sibelco acquires Macoglass S.r.l

Industrial specialty minerals group Sibelco confirmed that it has officially acquired Macoglass S.r.l, a glass recycler located close to Milan,...

sedak GmbH & Co KG


Glass facade elements with an amazing U-value

The opaque facade glass sedak gsp intelligently combines glass and insulation and is also an individually adaptable standard solution...


Sedak extends production limit to a width of 3.60 meters

Sedak now presents transparency in a larger maximum size, achieving a new milestone in glass processing: the technological leader for large format functional glass now manufactures panes up to 3.6 meters...


Achieving big things together

Impressive architecture using glass in oversized formats can also be found beyond the metropolises – an example of this is the new "Wagner Design Lab" of the seating furniture manufacturer Wagner in Langenneufnach (Bavaria,...


Transparency at the highest level

A total of 404 glass fins from sedak enable large-area glass façades in the new Lakhta...


Bullet-resistant insulation glass with a wide range of functions

The new "sedak isosecure" combines bullet-resistance with the performance capabilities of modern insulation glass: because the customary polycarbonate system is not needed with the new development, glass with coatings for solar control and heat...


sedak isosecure - bulletproof glass reconceived

Bulletproof glass usually prevents projectiles of various ammunition sizes from penetrating and splintering by way of polycarbonate...


sedak isopure®: it looks like glass, glass and glass

Moderne Laminations-Techniken und Glasformate bis 20 Meter erlauben eine nahezu fugenlose Wirkung von großflächigen Ganzglasfassaden und...


sedak isopure®: it looks like glass, glass and glass

Modern lamination techniques and glass formats of up to 20 metres create an almost seamless effect for large-scale all-glass façades and...


sedak exhibits functional transparency in glazing details at the GPDs

At the International Glass Performance Days 2019 in Tampere, Finland (26th to 28th June) the specialist delegates will discuss future trends and optimization possibilities for glass as a building...


sedak makes facades’ joints disappear visually

In the style of a manufactory, sedak, the expert for oversize glass, has developed the reputation to develop special solutions with potential until series production is...


Individual glass diversity with extreme special sizes

The Torre Europa in Madrid reaches an impressive 121 metres towards the...


Innovative products with functional transparency

At BAU, sedak presented two examples of how it has a clear edge in glass...



President inaugurates Bolivian container glass factory

Bolivian president Evo Morales has officially inaugurated a new $59 million glass plant in the...


Company of Vidrios de Chuquisaca lights its oven with a view to its inauguration

The Minister of Productive Development and Plural Economy, Nélida Sifuentes, informed on Saturday that the productive public enterprise of Glass Containers of Bolivia (Envibol), located in the municipality of Zudáñez in the department of Chuquisaca,...


Glass Factory in Bolivia to start initial production

Half a year after completion, the cold runs of the new glass factory for containers in Bolivia Envitol will start. They are scheduled to continue for 30...

Seele GmbH + Co. KG


seele invests in production

Production is the heart of the façade construction specialist...


seele investiert in die Fertigung

Die Fertigung ist das Herzstück des Fassadenbauspezialisten...

Semcoglas GmbH


Semcoglas introduces illuminated fall protection

Glass as a light conducting medium. This vision has now been jointly realised by the experts from Semco, Isophon and...


SEMCO übernimmt Glas Spiegel aus Altenkirchen

Glas Spiegel 2009 GmbH & Co. KG wird zukünftig Teil der...


SEMCO mit neuer Vertriebsführung

Achim Haag neuer Geschäftsführer Vertrieb – Klaus Köttering setzt Fokus auf SEMCO-Region...


SEMCO-Neubau setzt Maßstäbe bei Automatisierung und Nachhaltigkeit

Produktionserweiterung für gemeinsames Wachstum mit Kunden und Partnern – Fokus auf Produktvielfalt, Flexibilität, Qualität und...

Semcoglas Holding GmbH


Value-oriented team and family culture as the foundation for growth

SEMCO increases sales and volume in...

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