New unique puntmark for Verallia worldwide

A new puntmark, common to all countries, will appear under the bottles and jars produced by the Verallia Group’s 32 glass production facilities located in 10 countries. Through this initiative, Verallia wishes to facilitate the identification of the Verallia brand throughout the world, a brand synonymous with quality, innovation and excellence.

The Verallia Group has decided to standardize the puntmark under the bottles and jars it produces throughout the world, in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Brazil, Argentina
and Chile. From now on, a "V" marking will appear on the production of all Verallia Group plants, regardless of the country in which they are located, followed by the country's letter. The first productions with this new logo were carried out in the Verallia factories in Argentina, Chile, Italy, Germany, Portugal and Spain.

An international group that is very close to its markets, Verallia is known for its leadership in innovation and design for its customers in the still and sparkling wine, spirits, beer, soft drinks and food segments. This project for a new unique puntmark aims to facilitate the identification of Veralliabottles and jars throughout the world.

About Verallia
An independent group, Verallia is one of the world’s top three manufacturers of glass packaging for food products and
beverages, and proposes innovative, customized and environmentally friendly solutions. €2.5 billion in turnover in 2017,
with a production of 16 billion glass bottles and jars.
Around 10,000 employees and 32 glass factories in 11 countries.

12.02.2019, Verallia

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