Takeover of Badie Vitrage by Riou Glass

The independent and family-owned company whose business for nearly 40 years is the transformation of flat glass - was entrusted on July 26 by the Commercial Court of Perpignan the management of the company Badie Vitrage located in Pia (66), with effective as of August 1, 2018.

Badie Vitrage, now RIOU Glass BADIE, is a first class flat glass processor with a motivated quality team and first class industrial equipment: insulation assembly line " jumbo "(6 x 3,21 m), turners, automatic feeding lines, forming center etc. The level of service and product quality are widely recognized by the company's customers. The turnover amounted to 12 M € last year.

This take-over ensures long-term sustainability and can offer an even wider range of products and services. For RIOU Glass, the Catalan company, located in Pia near Perpignan, completes its existing South device: RIOU Glass VERAQUI in Marmande (47), RIOU Glass SLPV in Montady (34) and RIOU Glass V2S in Narbonne (11).

RIOU Glass shares with the company created in 1960 by André Badie the same values ​​and the same passion for innovation and performance, and that is why we are thus determined to maintain and develop the best level of service in the world. our partners.



15.02.2019, RIOU Glass

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