The new sealant with renewable raw materials from the “Green Island”

European Chemical Industries ECI is an Irish company and part of the MC Bauchemie Group based in Bottrop, Germany. 

For more than 30 years ECI has been a successful developer, producer and marketer of high performance polyurethane sealants for the glass industry. 

Extensive experience of the ECI R&D team is the basis to strike out in a new direction of the formulation of polyurethane sealants. Classically used crude-oil based raw materials were replaced by renewable hydrophobic raw materials. 
With EMCEPREN 200 Neo, ECI provides now an innovative modern sealant, certified by the new EN 1279 standard, paving the way for a more sustainable utilization of renewable products in the glass industry. 
A Beta Analytic testing laboratory report confirms 64 % of “Biobased Carbon” for EMCEPREN 200 Neo, a truly remarkable high proportion.

A low gas loss rate of 0.017 g/(m²xh) and a low water vapor permeability of 1.8 g/(m²x24h) are the basis for a high durability due to the hydrophobic, water-repellent properties of the used renewable raw materials. 
Low working pressure and a high adhesion on glass and spacer as a result of optimized rheological properties rounds off an user friendly profile.

23.04.2019, ECI

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