Automotive Glass Europe Goes Global

Automotive Glass Europe (AGE) announced a partnership with companies from two other continents: Clairus Group and Autoboys. The recent global expansion is AGE’s response to the growing demand of insurance and leasing companies and fleet managers, according to the company.

“The key reason for creating our alliance over a decade ago was to provide our partners from different European countries with an international dimension whenever necessary. Eleven years on, we have seen that this initiative is appreciated by their customers. We have found our colleagues from both, North-America’s Clairus Group and Southern Africa’s Autoboys have the same vision on our industry,” said Pim de Ridder, AGE managing director.

Although Uniban and Autoboys will not share jobs with other countries, like AGE’s European partners do, the partnerships have been formed to help share best practice between continents and to be able to provide support to insurance, leasing and fleet companies who operate across multiple continents.

“At Uniban Canada, a Clairus Group Company, we are delighted to become a partner of the AGE Group because of its international capabilities,” said Pierre Voyer, Uniban Canada executive vice president.

“To be successful in the modern economy requires collaboration and shared learning; no company can afford to be an island in today’s highly connected world. To this end, we believe we have found a great partner in AGE,” said Filum Ho, Autoboys managing director.

24.04.2019, Automotive Glass Europe (AGE)

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