AGC introduces new coatings: Stopray Vision-52, Stopray Vision-52T, Stopray Vision-62 and Stopray Vision-62T

Enhanced insulation and aesthetics  

Large glass facades require highly selective glazing that allows as much daylight as possible into the building while minimising the impact on indoor climate through effective solar control. Stopray Vision-52 and Stopray Vision-62, and their toughenable counterparts Stopray Vision-52T and Stopray Vision-62T, are two new AGC products featuring enhanced technology. 

Their double silver coating makes them highly selective, delivering outstanding protection from heat and solar radiation thanks to a solar factor of 33% (Stopray Vision-62) and 27% (Stopray Vision-52). They also let in 62% and 52% respectively of visible light, effectively exploiting daylight to ensure light-filled rooms all year round. With a Ug value of just 1.0 W/(m2K), this glazing provides excellent protection from cold temperatures, which saves on heating costs and is good for the environment. 

The toughenable versions can be curved and further enhanced using silk screen printing or other techniques. However, the biggest benefit for applications in high-end architecture is that the products are matchable, meaning they can easily be installed alongside each other in a facade, for example in a combination of flat and curved glass. This is possible because they have the same colour-neutral appearance and colour stability, even when viewed from an acute angle.  

14.06.2019, AGC Glass Europe

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