Three years into its five-year initiative to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCK) (Crown) ( has achieved 94% of its Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target.

As of December 31, 2018, Crown achieved a 9.43% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per billion standard units. Absolute emissions have decreased by 1.7% even as production has increased by 8.4%. In 2016, the Company announced plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 10% per billion standard units of production from 2015 levels by the end of 2020.

In addition, in 2018, 100% of Crown’s U.K. facilities were powered by direct supply of renewable electricity. This milestone brings the Company’s use of renewable electricity worldwide to 6.7% and supports its pledge to the RE100 initiative, which focuses on accelerating the transition to zero carbon grids on a global scale. Crown has committed to transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2050.

The Company also decreased energy consumption from its 2015 baseline despite opening a new glass bottle manufacturing facility in Mexico in 2018. The glass manufacturing process is energy intensive, leading to higher usage of natural gas and electricity when compared to metal packaging.

Crown’s 2020 sustainability goals reflect its commitment to efficiently managing and conserving resources, as well as bringing innovations to market that support the sustainability efforts of its customers and consumers. The goals were included as part of the Company's submission to the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) climate change program in 2018.

"Achieving an over 9% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions within just three years after setting our 2020 goals demonstrates Crown’s strong focus on its sustainability program and its commitment to environmental stewardship," said John Rost, Director of Global Sustainability at Crown. "We are proud of the strides our facilities are making every day toward greener operations."

16.07.2019, Crown Holdings, Inc

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