Sisecam Flat Glass Introduces “Sisecam Tentesol” in India

Europe's leading flat glass manufacturer Şişecam Flat Glass introduced its reflective solar control glass brand “Şişecam Tentesol” in India. Coming together with its customers in New Delhi, Ahmedabad and Jaipur, Şişecam Flat Glass launched its silver, grey, green, bronze and blue colored reflective solar control glass in the market under “Şişecam Tentesol” brand and received a great deal of attention.

Having strengthened its presence in India by acquiring its half-owned affiliate in India in full last year, it is operating in the Indian market under the name Şişecam Flat Glass, India Şişecam Flat Glass develops and diversifies its product range based on the local market demand and needs in India and continues to develop innovative solutions.

About Şişecam Flat Glass

As a Şişecam Group company, the global player of the glass industry, Şişecam Flat Glass is not only the Turkish flat glass market leader, but also has the distinction of being the largest producer of Europe. Carrying out its production activities in its Kırklareli, Mersin, Bursa and Ankara facilities in Turkey, as well as its facilities located in other 10 countries consisting of Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Russia, Italy, India and Egypt, Şişecam Flat Glass is the 5th largest flat glass manufacturer in the world.

Operating in four main product categories consisting of "architectural glass" (flat glass, frosted glass, mirror, laminated glass, coated glass, glass for architectural applications), "automotive glass", "solar energy glass" and glass for home appliances, Şişecam Flat Glass serves many industries such as construction, automotive, energy, home appliances, furniture and agriculture.

Meeting all customer expectations in its targeted markets, Şişecam Flat Glass carries out its activities by increasing its competitiveness with its qualified and high-quality products, state-of-the-art technology, and its efforts focused on saving energy for environment protection.

09.08.2019, Şişecam Flat Glass

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