AGC high-performance glass - Project focus on Boeing, Sheffield

AGC high-performance glass was chosen by D5 Architects for the façade glazing on Boeing's recently opened £40 million factory on the site of the Advance Manufacturing Research Centre in Sheffield. The building comprises shipping and receiving facilities, production hall and office and meeting facilities.

AGC Ipasol Neutral 50/27 glass was specified thanks to its neutral appearance and its energy efficient properties (Light Transmission 50%, Solar Factor 27% and Ug value 1.0W/m2.K). Highly energy efficient glazing was an important element of the façade strategy as the building is designed to meet BREEAM Excellent standards and the client brief focussed heavily on employee well-being and sustainability.
For more information on AGC high-performance glass products visit and for specification support contact AGC's International Building Projects team
Client: Boeing
Architect: D5
Main contractor: J F Finnegan Ltd
Façade contractor: Bonham & Berry
IGU production: Interpane
Photo credit: J F Finnegan Ltd

15.08.2019, AGC / Interpane

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