Partnership between HEGLA and Bystronic glass terminated in mutual agreement

HEGLA and Glaston Corporation have decided to terminate their cooperation agreement due to changes in the companies’ competitive positions. The agreement, which was entered into in 2012 by Bystronic Lenhardt GmbH, Conzzeta AG, HEGLA GmbH & Co. KG, and LEWAG Holding AG, will be terminated by year-end 2019.

The purpose of the co-operation agreement has been to be preferred partners, meaning cooperation in cross selling by products for architectural market and making use of each other’s sales and service network. The cooperation has had limited commercial value.

The termination of the agreement has been made in mutual understanding.


HEGLA in brief

With over 42 years of experience, the HEGLA Group provides forward-looking system solutions for cutting and processing flat, automotive and functional glass. We provide comprehensive, expert and personal support and consistently deliver the perfect total solution to suit the customer’s needs. Our customers include most major flat glass manufacturers, coating fabricators, processors of architectural and automotive glass, the fenestration industry, glass wholesalers and glaziers. More than just a manufacturer, we see our main role as that of a service provider. With our subsidiaries HEGLA boraident, HEGLA-HANIC and HEGLA-Taifin, we offer additional solutions for digitisation and glass processing.

For further information, please contact:

37688 Beverungen
Tel.: +49 / 52 73 / 905-0

Bernhard Hötger, COO,
Phone: +49 52 73 901-100,

Carsten Koch, Marketing & Communication,
Phone.: +49 52 73 905-121,

02.12.2019, HEGLA GmbH & Co. KG

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