Pilkington IGP expands plant in Ostroleka, Poland

Polish insulated glass manufacturer Pilkington IGP is to expand its manufacturing plant in Ostroleka.

The planned site extension is expected to double the production efficiency and provide 80 new jobs.

The objective is to increase production and operational efficiency, as well as work ergonomics. Pilkington IGP recently expanded its sites in Cracow and Skierniewice, as well as built a new plant in Bialystok.

The plan includes an expansion of a production area as well as office space which will provide more floor space for technology and machinery.

Krzysztof Granicki, Managing Director Architectural Glass East, Nordic Europe and Central Downstream Business in Europe said the expansion is in response to a growing market need for specialised products.

“Architectural and construction markets are dynamic when it comes to innovative solutions and production capability expansions.

"We are determined to anticipate the needs of our customers at an early stage. This requires detailed awareness of the market, diverse experience and constant investments.”

Expansion work in Ostroleka will commence in March 2020 with anticipated completion in September 2020.

Pilkington IGP produces toughened, enameled and screen printed glass, as well as structural glazing panes, and handles glass manufacturing and distribution. The company’s sites are located in Skierniewice, Cracow, Bydgoszcz, Bialystok, Ostroleka and Szczecin.

06.03.2020, Pilkington IGP

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