Ardagh Group delivers one-litre, returnable version of iconic afri cola glass bottle

Ardagh Group has worked closely with German cola brand afri cola to produce a new, returnable one-litre glass bottle, to meet the popular cola brand’s consumer demand for more glass packaging. 

afri cola was established in Cologne, Germany in 1931. In the 1960s, the brand introduced a 200ml ergonomically designed glass bottle shape, that has since become a brand symbol. A 330ml glass bottle followed in 2015 and now the one-litre glass bottle is also based on this iconic shape.

The white ‘palm tree’ brand logo is printed directly onto the glass using the ceramic screen- printing technique. Two main cola flavours will be launched in Germany in April 2020: afri cola and sugar-free afri cola ohne zucker.

Gerd Gründahl, CEO Niehoffs Vaihinger Fruchtsaft GmbH comments on the new bottle:

“Today, sustainability is incredibly important. Consumers have become more discerning and try to integrate sustainable packaging into their daily routines. This has had a real influence on the packaging of non-alcoholic drinks: our consumers have asked us for a one litre, returnable afri cola glass bottle - a demand which we’ve met with pleasure.”

Six-bottle returnable crates will be available in retail, specialist drink shops and wholesalers. For more information about Ardagh Group’s glass packaging, go to




28.04.2020, ArdaghGroup

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