Libbey plans Shreveport plant closure

Tableware glass manufacturer Libbey Inc plans to close its Shreveport plant, Louisiana, USA by the end of the year.

It said it continues to take action to reduce costs and align manufacturing capacity with lower levels of projected demand.

It will negotiate the recommendation with the unions representing its employees before finalising a decision.

Mike Bauer, chief executive officer of Libbey, said: "Over the last few years, we have experienced declining demand in our core markets, which has contributed to overcapacity.

"This has been exacerbated by COVID-19. The recommendation to close our facility in Shreveport will better align our cost structure with current and expected customer demand as we position Libbey for the future.

“If the closure occurs, we will leverage our existing U.S. and international manufacturing footprint, along with our best-in-class sourcing capabilities, to continue to provide industry-leading service to our customers and end users.

“Although difficult, we believe this is a necessary step in transforming Libbey for success in the post-COVID-19 era, and we recognise the impact it could have on our 450 employees in Shreveport, their families and the communities in which we operate.”

The company's distribution centre in Greenwood, Louisiana, is not impacted by the announcement and will remain open.

15.07.2020, Libbey

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