CJSC "Glassica" received the status of a resident of the Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park (SHPP), will establish production in the park of colored glass containers, "Interfax-Azerbaijan" was reported to LLC "SHPP", which is the operator of the park. 

“Glassica will build a modern plant for the production of colored glass containers on the territory of the industrial park. The production will be carried out according to the technology of the German company HORN Glass Industries AG. Investments in the project will exceed 20 million manats (over $ 11.8 million at the current rate). After commissioning, 70 permanent jobs will be opened at the plant, ”the park noted.

It is expected that the manufactured products will be supplied both to the domestic and foreign markets under the brand “Made in Azerbaijan”.

JSC "Glassica" became the 22nd resident of the SHPP.

The agricultural enterprise was created to create favorable conditions in Azerbaijan for the development of competitive industrial production based on innovative and high technologies, support for entrepreneurship in this area, ensure sustainable development of the non-oil sector and increase employment in the manufacturing sector.

On the territory of the industrial park, enterprises for the production of competitive products (works, services), refineries in the petrochemical and other priority industries are operating and are being created.

In general, residents of the park must invest $ 3.1 billion in projects.As of early April 2020, they actually invested $ 2.8 billion.

22.08.2020, Steklosouz

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