Ardagh and Bragg launch beverage bottle

Ardagh Group, Glass – North America, a business unit of Ardagh Group and Bragg Live Food Products partnered to introduce a new 16oz glass bottle for its line of apple cider vinegar beverages.

The 16oz glass non-alcoholic beverage bottle for Bragg features a lug finish and is designed by Ardagh and manufactured in the U.S.

“We reformulated our Refreshers line to deliver Bragg’s promised ‘Daily Dose of Wellness’ through delicious, organic and health-forward ingredients,” said Linda Boardman, Bragg’s CEO. “We also prioritised sourcing a sustainable packaging solution to ensure that consumers not only enjoy the beverage, but feel good about their purchase. We chose to partner with Ardagh to craft a 100% recyclable, custom bottle solution that best reflects one of our core values of protecting Bragg’s legacy of developing only high quality, natural products.”

Brands want sustainable packaging that speaks to the quality of their products. Every Bragg product reflects its commitment to supporting healthier thinking, decisions, attitudes and lifestyles. The new 16oz beverage bottle, launched in glass packaging, represents the perfect sustainable packaging solution. Glass bottles are 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly without any loss in purity or quality. Consumers are also committed to environmental sustainability and prefer products and packaging that complement this lifestyle. According to the 2020 EcoFocus Worldwide study, 90% of consumers prefer glass for preserving the freshness and flavour of foods and beverages.

“Ardagh takes great pride in working alongside brands such as Bragg to create sustainable glass packaging that protects the true taste and integrity of their products,” said John T Shaddox, Chief Commercial Officer for Ardagh’s North American Glass business unit. “Ardagh is dedicated to partnering with our customers to design and manufacture premium packaging that not only offers these inherent benefits of glass, but also helps them to differentiate their brands on store shelves.”

The new 16oz stock beverage bottle is available to view along with other non-alcoholic beverage bottle options here.

25.03.2021, Ardagh Group

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