Johnson Matthey receives Platinum Rating from EcoVadis for sustainability

Johnson Matthey has received a Platinum Rating from business sustainability rating company EcoVadis, trusted by many of our customers. Platinum is the highest possible rating and puts JM in the top 1% of companies assessed. The move reflects JM’s renewed commitment to sustainability, and follows the announcement earlier this year of its intention to reach net zero by 2040, with 17 supporting targets aimed at strengthening the company’s positive societal impact by 2030. JM previously received a Gold Rating from EcoVadis, in 2019.

EcoVadis is one of the world’s largest and most trusted providers of business sustainability ratings, assessing more than 75,000 companies across industries since 2007, with a particular focus on enabling sustainable supply chains. Its assessment explores environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement to give an overall score of a company’s sustainability performance.

Robert MacLeod, Chief Executive, said: “Everything we do at Johnson Matthey is designed to have a positive impact on people’s lives. Our products help us realise our purpose, but equally important is our responsibility to make sure that the way we make them, and the impact they have more broadly, is positive too. The score from EcoVadis is further validation that we are on the right path to increasing our positive societal impact.”

26.11.2021, Matthey

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