Call for Papers

Discussions within the industry over the past two years have shown that the glass industry is on the move and must face up to global challenges in order to remain sustainably marketable in the future.

The challenges:

Climate protection - How can the glass industry reduce emissions? Which legal requirements must we prepare for? What improved energy concepts are there?

Resources efficiency - Whicht measures must be taken to make optimum use of the resources (skilled) personnel, materials and energy?

Urbanisation - How can products made of glass help cover the construction, communication and mobility needs of a growing population in metropolitan areas?

Value creation - What changes does the glass industry need as it moves from a purely profit to a people orientation and ultimately to sustainable and resilient value creation?

Wellbeing - Which contribution can glass products make to improving the quality of life in terms of safety, comfort, daylight and overall wellbeing?

Focus topics of the glasstec conference 2022 in consideration of the five essential global challenges

Tuesday, 09/20

Glass processing and finishing

Focus topics:

Thin glasses

Solar glasses (incl. solar thermal and solar power plants)

Electronic functions in the glass

Detection of nickel sulfite inclusions

Wednesday, 09/21

Glass production 1

Focus topics:

Decarbonization - new energy systems / conversion to renewable energy sources

Thursday, 09/22

Glass products and applications

Focus topics:

Circularity, Recycling, Wellbeing

Automotive / Technical Glasses (Electronics)

Friday, 09/23

Glass production 2

Focus topics:

CO2 neutral raw materials

Glass recycling for hollow and flat glass for increasing the cullet content.

10.02.2022, glasstec

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