Acquisition will expand wine portfolio in France, including Bordeaux.

Berlin Packaging, the world’s largest Hybrid Packaging Supplier®, announced today the acquisition of Gerfran SAS, a family-owned supplier of glass packaging specializing in the wine and beverage end markets.
Founded in 1984 and acquired by Lionel Fruh in 2008, Gerfran is a unique player in the Aquitaine region of France. Headquartered in La Réole, the company specializes in the sale of wine bottles with an emphasis on Bordeaux bottles and serves wine producers of all sizes, from small vineyards to large estates. In addition to wine bottles, the company also sells bottles and jars for beer, spirits, fruit juices, and food.
With warehouses across the southwest of France, Gerfran has strong relationships with its customers, who benefit from the company’s value-added services and turnkey solutions.


´´Gerfran is the perfect partner for Berlin Packaging as we expand our operations to the southwest of France and continue to increase our wine packaging business.´´

Paolo Recrosio

CEO of Berlin Packaging EMEA

02.03.2022, Berlin Packaging

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