ESMA Academy: Industrial Digital Print

Almost 150 alumni have graduated from the ESMA Academy since 2017. Since last year we offer dedicated online courses – in small groups, with plenty of interaction and individual approach. Available from any location, this web training covers all aspects of piezo inkjet and provides a well-founded basis for the future practice module scheduled for spring 2022. Delivered by industry experts and academics, the presentations are unbiased and no questions are left unanswered.

The three-day Academy covers all process steps of digital printing and focuses on

piezo inkjet,

inks and ink formulation,

pre- and post-treatment,

colour management,

printing equipment,

and technological limits of inkjet.


want to obtain a well-founded overview of digital printing technologies, especially piezo inkjet, to make educated decisions to what extent inkjet could be integrated in their production process,

want to obtain basic inkjet know-how in order to plan possible introduction of inkjet into their organisation and facilitate their investment decisions,

are planning to start with inkjet or have already installed inkjet equipment in their organisation but are still at the very beginning of the learning process.


22.03.2022, Esma

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