Advanced Energy invites you to meet at glasstec

15 D 31 is the location at upcoming glasstec exhibition in Düsseldorf to see latest developments of Advanced Energy with regard to power controllers and energy saving in glass industry.

Stay tuned for our next announcement.


Advanced Energy delivers trusted temperature measurement, control, and process power solutions for glass manufacturers in every step of the production process.

Accurate and precise temperature monitoring is critical for efficient and cost-effective melting, glass viscosity control, heat zone adjustment, annealing, and stress reduction.
Temperature measurement is also directly related to glass quality as well as prolonging the life of critical assets such as refractory walls. System solutions with SCR power controllers, involving Mikron non-contact thermal imaging combined with Impac pyrometry by Advanced Energy can help increase production efficiency and reduce waste.
Customers may choose from a wide range of non-contact thermometers, SCR power controllers, and DC power systems whose ruggedness and precision are tailored to specific needs of the glass industry.
Whether it be for flat glass, solar glass, container glassware, utility glassware, or technical glass, all of our products deliver fast and accurate temperature readings. Customers receive optimum solutions to their specific challenges through intensive consultation with our sales and application engineers.

09.08.2022, Advanced Energy

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