Knauf Insulation joins British Glass membership

Based in St Helens, Knauf Insulation shares many processes and policies in common with existing glass manufacturing members meaning British Glass is perfectly placed to represent them as we look to tackle the challenges currently affecting the glass industry and its supply chain. 

Commenting on joining British Glass, Neil Hargreaves, Managing Director of Knauf Insulation Northern Europe, said:

“Government action in the near term will determine how well the UK navigates multiple challenges such as energy cost inflation, climate change, energy security and low economic productivity. 

“We look forward to working with British Glass to help shape a policy environment that allows the glass industry generally, and insulation specifically, to play its part to the full.” 

Federation Manager at British Glass Jenni Richards said:

“It’s a pleasure to have Knauf Insulation join us as members and provide us with their wealth of knowledge on the glass mineral wool section of our diverse industry. 

“The whole team at British Glass is looking forward to working with Knauf Insulation and representing ever more of the glass manufacturing sector.”

10.10.2022, Knauf Insulation

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