Ardagh Glass Packaging – Africa additional capacity investment in Gauteng, South Africa

Ardagh Glass Packaging – Africa (AGP – Africa) today announced a further extension of its Nigel production facility in Gauteng, South Africa.

This investment in a third furnace (N3) follows the recently commissioned Nigel 2 (N2) expansion and will further increase the facility’s capacity to provide sustainable glass packaging to support customers’ current and projected demand growth over the next few years.

N3 will be a replica of the N2 expansion completed earlier this year, and will similarly incorporate a new furnace and additional production lines. It will also provide significant energy, water efficiency and environmental benefits, representing another important step in AGP – Africa’s journey to decarbonise the glass production process and reduce emissions.

This capital investment will further bolster government’s economic recovery plans in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng, offering additional job opportunities and increased ancillary supply-chain benefits in the community.

The investment, which is backed by long-term customer contracts, is in line with Ardagh’s commitment at the time of acquisition to invest in the growth of the South African glass industry. Leveraging Ardagh Group’s technical capabilities and global sourcing, the expansion is expected to be commissioned in late 2023, well ahead of current standard lead times.

Following completion, the Nigel production facility will be the largest glass container production facility in the AGP - Africa network, and in the African continent.

02.11.2022, Ardagh Glass

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