Forglass presented unique solutions aimed at decarbonisation

At two recent conferences focused on furnace design – Furnace Solutions 2023 in the U.K. and 16th International Seminar on Furnace Design in Czechia – Forglass presented its unique solutions aimed at decarbonisation of the glass industry. The tool, introduced as the Forglass Mixing Electrode System allows glass producers to break through some of the existing technology barriers like specific pull, overall energy consumption and maximum electric boost. Overcoming present limitations in these parameters, together with the ability to customise the melting process was met with great enthusiasm from glass technologists at both conferences. Forglass executives are confident that the Mixing Electrodes will soon become standard equipment for conventional, hybrid and electric furnaces.

The Forglass Team wishes to thank the organisers of the two aforementioned conferences – Society of Glass Technology and Glass Service, respectively – and the participants of both conferences. The time we spent together, sharing ideas for reducing the carbon footprint of glass production, was extremely valuable and fruitful!

13.07.2023, Forglass

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