Ardagh Glass Packaging cleans up air in Wadeville

Ardagh Glass Packaging–Africa (Ardagh) has announced the installation of an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) at its Wadeville production facility. An ESP is a device used to filter particulate matter from gases. Ardagh uses ESPs to remove dust and smoke before they are released into the atmosphere, allowing the company to comply with stringent emissions standards. The Wadeville ESP was installed in late 2023 and required a substantial investment of over R100 million in the air-emissions treatment system to improve air quality in line with world standards.

Wadeville is the latest of several Ardagh facilities across South Africa to receive the ESP upgrade, following Bellville in the Western Cape and two of the three furnaces at its Nigel facility. Ardagh is in the process of installing ESPs at the remaining Nigel furnace and at its Clayville facility, ensuring compliance with the minimum emission standards at all furnaces by 1 April 2025.

“We remain focused on continuous improvement in all aspects of our business to demonstrate that we make packaging for good,” said Paul Curnow, Chief Executive Officer of Ardagh Glass Packaging-Africa. “In addition to using the latest technology, we also aim to use less virgin raw materials, increase recycled-glass content in our production process, and lightweight our containers, all of which help to reduce emissions and lower energy consumption in line with our sustainability targets.”

09.05.2024, Ardagh Glass Packaging

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