Ciner Glass appoints Chief Executive as European operations progress

Ciner Glass has appointed Gokhan Sen as the Chief Executive of Ciner Glass UK to help oversee the company’s expansion plans across Europe.

Mr Sen has been appointed to run the day-to-day operations for Ciner Glass in Europe as the company’s glass plant projects in Belgium and Wales continue to progress.

Ciner Glass UK is currently working to build two new modern glass factories to help increase its glass production capacity and help serve the European market.

The first glass plant will be situated in Lommel, Belgium as part of a €650 million investment.

The plant will supply European markets - including beer, wine, soft drink and mineral water - to key European partners.

Construction is progressing at speed with the site expected to be completed by 2026.

In addition, the company aims to build a new glass container manufacturing facility which uses recycled glass in Ebbw Vale, Wales, UK.

The project would be one of the largest investments in South Wales for decades and would look to supply glass bottles to UK food and beverage producers.

Following the approval of planning permission in 2022 to build the glass container manufacturing facility, Ciner has been progressing site works at the plant’s location while also engaging with suppliers across Wales.

Mr Sen has worked as the Lead Co-ordinator for the company’s European projects for several years.

He has helped to oversee the planning application process, while also developing key relationships with customers and partners across both Wales and Belgium.

Didem Ciner, Chair of Ciner Glass, said: “Mr Sen has been instrumental in helping to progress our ambitious expansion plans as we work towards building a world-class facility in Europe.

“His experience at the Ciner company, expertise and leadership will be vital as we take the next step and begin working on making our vision to be one of the leading glass suppliers across Europe a reality.”

Mr Sen will be supported by Nicholas Hall, who has taken on the role of Chief Financial Officer for Ciner Glass UK.

11.09.2024, Ciner Glass

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