Forglass brings new technology to the AFGM Conference in Bali

For many years now, Forglass has been introducing innovative technologies with a singular aim: to support glass producers on the most direct path to decarbonise glass production.

The batch plant division has given birth to such innovations as Vibe® (2018) – a high-performance vibratory feeder; SmartScraper® (2019) – an “intelligent” scraping conveyor; or Double Roll Crusher (2020) – fully adjustable crusher that virtually eliminates dust. In 2021 and 2022, Forglass Technology’s batch plant division focused on cullet management and introduced a new technology line capable of sorting and purifying cullet, then pre-heating it with what is essentially free heat. It’s a known fact that cullet is becoming more and more critical in decarbonising glass production and Forglass offers a number of solutions for sourcing and managing cullet in the most efficient way.

In 2022, Forglass Technology’s furnace division introduced a completely new approach to designing a hybrid furnace with its proprietary Mixing Electrodes, which not only accelerate and provide better control of the melting process, but also allow for unprecedented proportion of electric energy that can be optimally distributed in the various zones of the melting tank. What this means is that the technology developed by Forglass allows furnace operators to convert their existing, gas-fired furnaces into hybrids with as much as 80% share of electric energy!

In 2024, Forglass is poised to revolutionise the glass industry once again with its brand-new furnace bearing a mysterious name “F.F.F.F.F.F” (Forglass Furnace Fit For Fifty Five). This is still a big secret that will be revealed at Glasstec in October (Stand 13C16)!

At this year’s ASEAN Federation of Glass Manufacturers Conference in Bali, the co-founder and CEO of Forglass Technology, Piotr Knast, will share his vision for decarbonising glass production and present some of his company’s innovations to Indonesia and the entire South East Asian region.

25.09.2024, Forglass

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