Glaston’s sustainability work receives bronze-level EcoVadis rating

Glaston’s assessment was completed in August 2024. Compared to the previous Bronze level assessment carried out in 2023, Glaston’s score improved by ten points to 65/100. This time, Glaston’s result fell short of the silver level by one point after EcoVadis’ assessment scales and criteria were tightened.

EcoVadis assesses corporate sustainability from the perspective of environmental issues, human and labor rights, ethical practices and sustainable procurement. In the 2024 assessment, Glaston’s results improved in all areas, and the company was ranked among the top 17% of companies assessed globally. The assessment found that Glaston’s strengths lie, in particular, in ethics and environmental issues.

“Sustainability is at the heart of our strategy and the bronze medal encourages us to continue our ambitious sustainability work. The assessment gives us an excellent overall picture, and the results help us to know what aspects are in good order and also to identify areas requiring improvement,” says Marko Mökkönen, Glaston’s Director, Sustainability.

EcoVadis has assessed over 130,000 companies across 220+ industries and 180+ countries. The EcoVadis assessment methodology is based on internationally accepted principles of corporate sustainability reporting, such as the UN Global Compact, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines and the ISO 26000 standard.

10.10.2024, Glaston

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