Introducing Sparklike Laser Portable 2.2 – Upgraded Features for Non-Invasive IGU Testing

Sparklike is excited to announce the launch of the Sparklike Laser Portable 2.2, the latest enhancement to our portfolio of non-destructive insulating glass unit (IGU) gas concentration measuring devices. This innovative tool is designed to improve the way IGUs are tested, delivering unprecedented precision, user-friendliness, and enhanced features tailored to meet the evolving needs of industry professionals.

Enhanced Features and Technology

Technical Advancements

Sparklike Laser Portable 2.2 utilizes Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS) technology, ensuring precise measurement of oxygen levels, which directly correlates to the accurate calculation of argon, krypton, or other insulating gases in the IG unit. This device can effectively measure through most coatings and laminated double and triple glasses, providing flexibility and efficiency in measuring IG units of varying compositions and sizes.

Benefits for Industry Professionals

Measurement Specifications


The Sparklike Laser Portable 2.2 is now available globally. For more detailed information on its features, benefits, and ordering options, please visit our website or contact Sparklike sales team and distributors directly.

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Sparklike Laser Portable 2.2:

Visit Sparklike at Glasstec 2024
Find us in Hall 14, Stand G17, and experience the new Laser Portable™ 2.2 firsthand!

15.10.2024, Sparklike

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