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Prodotti o Macchinari
Our acid etched decorative glass could be used for decorating doors, windows, cabinets and buildings etc.: Etched Glass or Mirror without patterns: No fingerprint frosting Glass(NFF series) No fingerprint frosting Mirror(NFM series) Etched Glass with patterns: Obscured Deep-etched Pattern Glass (ODG series) Obscured Stereo Pattern Glass (HG series) Transparent Stereo Pattern Glass (TSG series) Deep-etched & Obscured Pattern Glass (DSG series) etc. Our glass specification could be various from 3mm to 12mm,and the minimal dimension is 2200x1650mm while the maximal dimension is 2440x3300mm. By the way,we could also supply following glass etching or coating chemicals: A.Waterbase Glass Frosting Powder B.Superfine Glass Frosting Powder C.(Powdery)Glass Frosting Paste D.Colored Waterbase Stained Glass Paint In fact,we are leading the way in the field of deep-etched pattern glass in China.