This is the basic company information. The company provides additional detailed information, such as website, fax and telephone numbers, contact persons, history and company data.
To get access to this information or for printout of the company profile, you need to have a valid "Profile Access" to Information for booking are available at Price Info .
Indirizzo | GREATEX INTERNATIONAL LTD. 7A, Kingsford Industrial Building 26-32 Kwai Hei Street,Kwai Chung,NT Hong Kong |
Nazione | Repubblica Popolare Cinese |
Get in contact with GREATEX INTERNATIONAL LTD. |
Prodotti o Macchinari
General graphic art printing:
Poster, POP/advertising media, and fleet marking printing.
Glass printing:
Architectural glass, furniture glass and automobile glass printing.
Electronic printing:
PCB printing, LCD printing, PTF printing.
Industrial printing:
Ceramic tiles, wood/plastic panel, ceramic transfer decals, instrumental panel and membrane switch printing etc.