GlassChemConsult e.K.

Products, systems and spare parts for hot end and cold end coating application:
- GlassChem HOT 99 (chemical for hot end coating)
- GlassChem CC 25 (chemical for cold end coating)
- GlassChem LP 25 (chemical for cold end coating)
- GlassChem HECSt (system for hot end coating)
- GlassChem DOS (system for hot end coating)
- GlassChem CES (system for cold end coating)
- spare parts for all existing systems
- Technical coating service, training and audits
- Glass additives and other products "around glass"
Special systems and special productions (in accordance with the customers´ demand and the production facilities)
In addition to our products for the field of hot end coating and cold end coating, we are supplying products for mould lubrications as well as specialities for the glass production (e.g. insulating materials, heat-resistant materials).