Glass industry news

02.09.2024, (Messe Düsseldorf GmbH)

glasstec 2024 – die Sonderschau Handwerk Live zeigt die Vision des glasverarbeitenden Handwerks von Morgen

Vom 22. bis zum 25. Oktober 2024 lädt die glasstec, die Weltleitmesse der Glasindustrie, Glaser und Handwerker nach Düsseldorf


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29.08.2024, (Verallia Deutschland AG)

Verallia announces the appointment of Roch Thaller as General Manager of the Germany and Eastern Europe Division

Verallia, the European leader and the world’s third-largest producer of glass packaging for beverages and food products, announces today the appointment


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28.08.2024, (Glassapp)

500 000 users of the GlassApp application, what about you ?

GlassApp is a mobile application designed for glassmakers worldwide, enabling them to produce instant quotes, optimize orders, access standards and broadcast ads, all from their


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  • Notizie Relative alla Industria Del Vetro

27.08.2024, (Verallia Deutschland AG)

Verallia commits to transition to renewable and sustainable energies

Romain Barral, Director of Operations Verallia Group, shares insights on how the company is rethinking its energy mix with increased use of renewable and low-carbon


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27.08.2024, (Bock Energietechnik GmbH)

Aus der Garage in die Welt / Bock wird offiziell 40 Jahre!

Ein verlässlicher Partner für Glas-Elektroschmelze zu sein, der die Planung und Umsetzung der verschiedenen Projekte übernimmt, war der Anlass für die Unternehmensgründung von Bock im Jahr


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23.08.2024, (Ardagh Glass)

Ardagh Group has achieved International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001 certification for an environmental management system (EMS)

Ardagh Group has achieved International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001 certification for an environmental management system (EMS) at each


  • 17 News
  • Notizie Relative alla Industria Del Vetro

23.08.2024, (Lisec Maschinenbau GmbH)


Today, flat glass processors are not only required to contend with a variety of challenges such


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US glass recycler breaks ground on Louisiana glass recycling plant

Glass Half Full has broken ground on its glass recycling facility in Louisiana,


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20.08.2024, (Fenzi SPA)

Fenzi Group Expands Spacer range of products with Thermoseal Acquisition

Fenzi Group SpA (“Fenzi”), a Milan-based chemical company specializing in glass processing solutions, is excited to announce the acquisition of Thermoseal, a key player in the insulated glass (“IG”)


20.08.2024, (Corning Inc.)

Corning Launches Corning® Gorilla® Glass 7i, Expanding Portfolio of Durable Cover Glasses

The new glass technology delivers improved drop protection and scratch resistance to the intermediate and value-segment smartphone


19.08.2024, (Lisec Maschinenbau GmbH)

VENTORA und LiSEC: die Lösung für die unschlagbare Ausnutzung von engen Räumen

Wie lässt sich die Produktionsleistung auf begrenztem Raum optimieren, während gleichzeitig verschiedene, räumlich voneinander getrennte Maschinen miteinander verbunden


19.08.2024, (Lisec Maschinenbau GmbH)

VENTORA and LiSEC: the solution for unbeatable use of tight spaces

How do you optimise production output within limited space, while also connecting different machines that are physically


17.08.2024, (Visy Glass)

Visy provides update on Queensland glass recycling facility

Visy has released a video on the construction of its $500 million glass recycling and remanufacturing factory outside Brisbane,


  • 5 News
  • Notizie Relative alla Industria Del Vetro

14.08.2024, (Horn Glass Industries AG)

HORN All Electric Furnaces

HORN builds a wide variety of glass furnace types for its customers, ranging from the usual end fired furnace to the all electric melting furnace. Furnace selection depends on individual customer requirements and


  • 51 News
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14.08.2024, (Steklarna Hrastnik d.d)

Pioneering Hydrogen Innovations in the Glass Industry

In a notable development last year, premium glassmaker Hrastnik1860, a member of Vaider Group, successfully pioneered the commercial production of premium glass spirits bottles using hydrogen as the primary energy


  • 10 News
  • Miscela, Fornaci, Fusion, Ricoprente


Sina Medical Glass is building a medical glass vials manufacturing facility in St Helens

This facility will have the capability to meet the UK’s requirement for medical vials, the vast majority of which are currently imported, as well as serving the export


  • Vetro contenitores/bottiglie, da tavola, tecnico

14.08.2024, (Vitro, Flat Glass)

Vitro renews collaboration with US National Aviary to enhance bird habitats

Vitro Architectural Glass continues its long-standing partnership with the US National Aviary in Pittsburgh, supplying advanced glass solutions that enhance energy efficiency, aesthetics, and bird


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14.08.2024, (The All India Glass Manufacturers)

‘Glass Decorates’ hails the Youth

To encourage the Young Minds and to commemorate the International Youth Day, The All India Glass Manufacturers’ Federation (AIGMF)*


  • 6 News
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13.08.2024, (Horn Glass Industries AG)

HORN HRD-BEAM - Contactless glass level measurement based on radar technology

The HORN HRD-BEAM glass level measurement system with radar sensor stands for contactless accuracy since


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Strato interlayers showcased as part of exhibition in Rijeka

A permanent exhibition in Rijeka, Croatia, on the history of the pharmacy include ten displays made with curved laminated


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