Glass Industry News

Verallia commits to transition to renewable and sustainable energies

, Verallia

Romain Barral, Director of Operations Verallia Group, shares insights on how the company is rethinking its energy mix with increased use of renewable and low-carbon energies. With a focus on integrating renewable energy sources and reducing carbon emissions, Verallia is not just setting goals but making significant strides.

The principles chosen: pragmatism and agility
Barral explained, “All energy solutions are being considered to optimize the energy mix: carbon-free electricity (photovoltaic, wind, hydro, nuclear, etc.), biofuels (biogas, BHO or heavy biofuel, syngaz, bio-ethanol, etc.) or green hydrogen. Verallia does not rule out any of these technologies. On the contrary, the Group wants to be able to use all solutions, as long as they provide a significant environmental advantage and make sense locally. Because it is the second principle that guides this reflection: by refusing the use of a single solution valid for all regions and all factories, each production unit will be provided with the low-carbon energy best suited to its context.”

How to proceed?
“Verallia has chosen to keep all the expertise around combustion systems in-house, and the Group is thus fully autonomous to develop alternatives to fossil fuels. Combining the expertise of a central team and local resources, project teams study different types of technical solutions, sometimes with the help of external partners. For example, work is being carried out on BHO (Bio Heavy Fuel) in several of the group’s plants, after an initial project launched with the help of a university. During these experiments, the impacts on the environment, energy consumption, the durability of the furnace, the quality of the glass, etc., are all evaluated. We also address topics related to process management, combustion control, the complexity of implementation, etc. A permanent monitoring system (new energy technologies, start-up ecosystems, national and international regulations) has also been set up to make sure no possible solution would be missed.”

The need for a long-term vision
“A Group of Verallia’s stature needs long-term visibility. The Group is thus developing for each energy and country by country sourcing strategies adapted to each market specificities.”

Thanks to this comprehensive and agile strategy, 59 percent of the electricity consumed at Verallia in 2023 was renewable or low carbon, and the Group is on track to reach its objective of CO2 reduction of 46 percent in 2030 vs. 2019, for scopes 1 & 2.

, © Verallia

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