Glass Industry News

Asian Glass maker to invest 40 million Euro in container glass plant

, Piramal Glass

Piramal Glass is to invest US$42 million to expand its Jambusar, India container glass manufacturing plant.

The expansion plan includes one new furnace with seven manufacturing lines across its 300,000ft2 plant. It will cater to the high-end speciality spirit, food & beverage and pharmaceutical markets for exports to countries in Asia, Europe and the US.

The Indian glass packager said the facility will be one-of-its-kind in Asia as there is a growing need for high-end water bottles, spirits bottles and food packaging. The Jambusar plant already has three furnaces with 23 manufacturing lines and produces 540 tonnes per day of glass. It employs 2130 people and with this expansion it will create additional direct employment to 700 people.

Mr. Vijay Shah, Vice Chairman, Piramal Glass said: “This world-class plant equipped with cutting-edge technology rooted in the principles of digital manufacturing, will also create job opportunities in the region.” Piramal Glass has global sales of US$357 million and operates from India, Sri Lanka and the US through its four manufacturing facilities and several decoration plants.

Globally, it manufactures 1435 tonnes per day of glass from 12 furnaces and 63 production lines. 40% of its sales are in high-end cosmetics & perfumery market, 37% in speciality spirits market and 23% in pharmaceutical market.

”This world-class plant equipped with cutting-edge technology rooted in the principles of digital manufacturing, will also create job opportunities in the region.”

, © Piramal Glass

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