Glass Industry News

CPIC F12 Furnace Light Up

, Shanghai Precision

On June 29, 2022, Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation (abbreviated as “CPIC”) successfully lighted up the company’s Furnace for F12 line in the company’s Changshou factory. When the furnace become fully operational, the annual capacity could reach 150,000 tons of glass fiber products. As a long-term dedicated supplier, Shanghai Precision Dosing & Weighing System Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Precision”) was awarded a contract for the complete batch plant, which could achieve capacity of 1200 tons per day.


The scope of Shanghai Precision for the batch plant covers comprehensive engineering design, equipment assembly and supply, as well as installation supervision, on-site testing, commissioning and training. The batch system includes key processes such as raw material storage and fluidization system, reception, weighing, mixing and transfer to furnace, etc. Compared to other existing production lines, F12 line has attained global competency in terms of production equipment, melting technology, and batch technology.  The factory is more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, which will contribute to stronger market preference towards the end glass fiber products. Specifically for this project, Shanghai Precision technical team has optimized the system design in areas of dust control, bulk material fluidization, accurate weighing, and pipeline layout, from onsite inspection and frequent discussions with CPIC’s technical team. As a result, we managed to ensure key parameters such as dosing accuracy, mixing homogeneity align with strict industry standards, which contribute to high-quality production from the ensuing glass melting and other processes.

During project execution, many cities in China were hit by rising Omicron risk. As such, Shanghai Precision fully mobilized and coordinated supply chain resources to ensure timely fabrication and delivery, and arranged personnel from various offices to support client’s onsite work.

Shanghai Precision specializes in the design and supply of batch system for float glass, fiber glass, container glass, display glass, pharmaceutical glass, etc. As of today, we have designed and delivered more than 100 batch plants to customers. Our technical expertise and system quality has been recognized both in China and abroad.

Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation is a global leading fiber glass manufacturer that provides R&D, production and sale of glass fiber products. The company mainly produces high-quality alkali-free glass fiber and glass fiber cloth products.

, © Shanghai Precision

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