Glass Industry News

Efficiency at the Cold End


Multi-gob technology requires high efficiency, flexibility, and expertise at the Cold End from the lehr onwards: more frequent, fast job changes, dynamic line management, and flexible palletizing systems. MSK specializes in the entire Cold End and designs customized complete solutions, from planning, production, and commissioning to after-sales service.

Investment security for the future

MSK solutions are characterized by a structured modular principle, which means that customers are also equipped for future requirements with basic machines. The EMSY software developed by MSK ensures automated, dynamic line guidance with recognition and sorting of a wide variety of glass containers. The uniform software provides the basis for efficient networking of all machines at the Cold End and standardized interfaces to MES or ERP systems.

MSK plans, programs, and builds its systems itself, so it has full control over quality. MSK also attaches great importance to after-sales service in particular. With more than 50 of its own engineers, technicians, and specialists, MSK Service is available at five locations around the clock if required. Required spare parts are kept in stock in MSK’s own spare parts warehouses and can be delivered quickly or manufactured specially for customers in its own production plants. Efficient staff training, regular maintenance, rapid troubleshooting, and spare parts deliveries ensure on-site availability and performance. Remote support and digital software products from MSK are solutions that ensure the best possible efficiency in customer service.

For 50 years now and with almost 7,000 systems sold, MSK has been shaping the international market as a technology leader through constant innovation and quality in the Cold End sector. What makes MSK unique is its comprehensive product portfolio, from the outflow of the lehr to the warehouse – all from a single source. For over 10 years, Christina Hannen and Linda Hannen have headed the 100% family-run company together as CEO and a strong female duo. They share a fascination for technology and pioneering innovations with company founder Reiner Hannen, who advises the management as President of the Board and is still responsible for major investments within the Group.

Efficiency through digitalization

The entire Cold End from the discharge conveyor after the lehr, with container transport to the palletizers, the pallet packaging system, and the pallet conveyor technology to the warehouse, is controlled uniformly using the company's own MSK EMSY software. MSK customers particularly value the software, which has already been supplied over 1,000 times. The Cold End without interfaces is a guarantee for simple operation and the best possible efficiency. The software is tailored precisely to MSK machines and, thanks to easy-to-understand 3D animations and graphics, reduces training time for personnel and simplifies troubleshooting for the entire system. Once parameters have been entered, they can be automatically transferred to other machines. Important status information can be viewed at a glance.

Remote support and digital software products also ensure high efficiency in service. Remote service via the MSK IXON Cloud enables errors to be localized without the need for on-site technicians. The system provides a secure connection for remote access to PLC software, EMSY operator screen, and HMI screens for controlling machine panels or in-field Ethernet components. The MSK software portfolio includes a digital MSK EMSY service pad for simplified maintenance, repair, and spare parts supply. Digital assistance via camera, video, and chat functions together with digital documents makes communication and support around the MSK system more efficient.

Innovation for sustainability

Since the beginning, customer challenges have often been the basis for MSK innovations. As one of the leading suppliers for the entire Cold End, MSK sees itself as responsible for implementing environmentally friendly machine concepts, energy savings, minimizing emissions, and digitalization in line with Industry 4.0.

In the field of packaging technology, the MSK shrink frame technology, which was established on the market back in 1981, combined with the patented Undershrink process, is still the basis for millions of tons of CO2 savings today. The reduction in film thickness from 110 µm in the past to 80 µm in most cases today was achieved while at the same time increasing the stackability of the glass container layers to a pallet height of up to 2.40 m and more. The lower film consumption and optimized truck utilization reduce the carbon footprint and halve transport costs. The use of PE tier sheets instead of cardboard trays results in 100% reusable or recyclable pallet packaging. The use of films with PCR content in MSK systems is also possible and established.

Machine features such as maintenance-free timing belt technology or the use of counterweights to reduce motor power through balancing reduce energy consumption and also increase the service life of the systems. Water-based powder coatings and the avoidance of hydraulics and lubricants protect the environment.

MSK presents its latest Cold End solutions at GLASSTEC 2024 in Düsseldorf: Hall 13, Booth C30

, © MSK

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Updated worldwide glass market study 2024 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2024.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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