Glass Industry News

Evolving to improve: a new Zignago Vetro.

, Zignago Vetro

Change has always been part of Zignago Vetro’s DNA. Recognizing its limits and taking action to deal with them is a central part of the company’s philosophy and this has been the essence behind the growth and transformation of our business over the course of time.

Today, Zignago Vetro is a brand that is renowned all over the world for the extraordinary quality of its glass containers. It is present in several sites, from Italy to France, and from Poland to the United States where, over the course of the years, various divisions, segments and acquisitions have been created and developed.

This incredible firm will now once again be updating itself, in pursuit of a new objective: to become a company that is ever more united and cohesive, remaining constant in its dependability but renewed in its image.


These are the important variations that will affect the identity of Zignago Vetro:

Zignago Vetro will be unified under a single logo, thus creating an increasingly homogeneous identity.

Zignago Glass USA and Zignago Vetro Brosse will be brought closer to the original brand, in order to make the fact that they belong to Zignago Vetro increasingly clear:

The office of Zignago Glass USA will maintain its status as a legal entity, but it will approach the market as Zignago Vetro.

The Zignago Vetro Brosse production facility will change its legal identity to Zignago Vetro France. In general, both the sales force and the other departments will be identified with a single, central brand: Zignago Vetro.

The brand “Zignago Brosse”, devoted to the luxury segment, will be substituted by a single strong, united and cohesive brand: Zignago Vetro.

There will, then, be lots of changes, but one thing will definitely not undergo any modifications: the dedication that the whole of Zignago Vetro puts into its products. Our objective is not to revolutionize the company, but simply to make it even more synergistic and harmonious than it already is, both internally and for the benefit of our clients.

Zignago Vetro is delighted to be able to announce this news, and bids you a warm welcome to the next chapter in the company’s story.

, © Zignago Vetro

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