Glass Industry News

Verallia to electrify Cognac plant in Fives partnership

, Verallia

Verallia is investing in the electrification of its Cognac plant in France with all-electric melting technologies provided by Fives.

Global glass bottle packager Verallia signed a strategic partnership with industrial engineering group Fives to reduce carbon emissions through all-electric melting technologies.

This new investment is part of Verallia’s strategy to modernise production capabilities with a view to long-term growth, particularly in France, the historical birthplace of Verallia.

Patrice Lucas, CEO of Verallia, said: "I am very pleased to announce this excellent news as a priority to the employees of our Cognac site. Electric furnaces of such capabilities have never been implemented in France, or even in Europe, for food packaging glass and we are very proud to be pioneer in this area."

The project includes design and supply of Prium E-Melt cold-top vertical melters, one of the most advanced technologies available to significantly reduce CO2 emissions at the plant level.

The melters will have the capacity to produce 150 to 200 metric tonnes of glass per day, which makes them the largest all-electric furnaces for food packaging in the world. The melter design has been formulated based on Fives significant electric melting operational experience.

Alexandre Brusset, Fives' Vice-President of Glass, said: “This is a milestone project for the packaging glass industry. This cost-effective technology is the only proven solution available to significantly decarbonise the glass industry, and Fives is proud to share its expertise and experience with Verallia to electrify the Cognac plant.”

The development is fully in line with Verallia France’s intention to fulfil its environmental commitments made at the group level, targeting a 46% reduction in its CO2 emissions by 2030 to limit global warming to 1.5°C (scopes 1 and 2) and reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

, © Verallia

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