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Indirizzo | First Glasmöbel Berlin GmbH Pasewalker Strasse 111 13127 Berlin |
Nazione | Germania |
Get in contact with First Glasmöbel Berlin GmbH |
Prodotti o Macchinari
Our business:
Construction - window industry, specifically - insulated glass unit
Our services:
We deliver materials, products and technology of insulated and safety glass units
We help to optimize the production process by increasing effectiveness and reducing cost
We are constantly improving the quality of our products
Our Customers:
Insulated glass unit manufacturers
We offer advice on all matters regarding glass insulation and sealing, selection of adequate equipment and utilization of our products.
We provide all necessary materials for insulated and safety glass unit production (with the exception of the glass itself).
We mediate in the optimum utilization of the production capacity of our customers - Insulated Glass Unit Exchange
Individual customers
We offer advice on the choice of window types, store windows, building exteriors and glass partitions. We show the possible solutions.
We advise on the possible options for insulated and safety glass units
Window manufacturers
We support the optimal selection of glass panes (U-factor, R-factor and resistance grade)
We find a contractor expeditiously - Insulated Glass Unit Exchange