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Indirizzo | Ruscam Gorohovets Plant Anadolu Cam Sanayii A.S. Gagarina Str. 84 601481 Gorohovets Vladimir Region |
Nazione | Russia |
Get in contact with Ruscam Gorohovets Plant |
Prodotti o Macchinari
As the largest bottle supplier to the Russian beer market, Ruscam continues to increase production capacity and extensively diversify our product portfolio. Over the years we have proved to be a reliable supplier to the wine, champagne, spirits, food and beverage sectors.
We offer our clients a full range of services, including the design and production of gypsum models using 3D printers. Ruscam facilities use equipment produced by the leading European manufacturers. Our technology produces the returnable bottle using the blow-blow technique (Blow-Blow), the light bottle using narrow-neck press blowing (NNPB), and wide-necked containers using press blowing (PB). Double- and Triple-gobs production is carried out on glass moulding machines with 4 ¼, 5, 5 ½ and 6 ¼ centre-to-centre spacings at our production lines.
Ruscam produces glass containers with volumes from 80 to 1500 millilitres.
Our products are produced in the four basic colours of flint, green, amber and olive, along with a range of non-standard colours – different tints of blue, green and other shades. The non-standard colours are produced using Forehearth Colouring glass-staining techniques. Ruscam is the only company across Russia and the CIS to use this technology.