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Indirizzo | QComp Technologies, Inc. W6564 Quality Drive Greenville, WI 54942 |
Nazione | Stati Uniti d´America |
Stato | Wisconsin |
Get in contact with QComp Technologies, Inc. |
Prodotti o Macchinari
Robotic loading and unloading systems -QComp´s robotic loading and unloading systems can be used on solar lines, tempering lines, float lines, coating lines, cutting lines and mirror lines.
Conveyors - QComp line of glass handling conveyors utilize chain, gear or belt drive and are servo driven for precision transportation of glass. Custom formulated urethane wheels provide high traction without marking the glass.
Turntables - QComp´s turntables are specifically designed for handling large racks of glass with capacities from 15,000 lbs. for dual small racks to 25,000 lbs. for A-frame style racks. Turntables utilize air flotation technology for low maintenance, high capacity operation.
Automatic Guided Vehicles - QComp´s AGV systems are tightly integrated into the robot cells providing safe and economical solutions. The AGV can shuttle racks in and out of a robot cell and act as a virtual mobile turntable. In addition, the vehicle is capable of transporting racks to and from the warehouse.