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Indirizzo | KOHERAS LG LASER TECHNOLOGIES GmbH Kardinal-Faulhaber-Str. 14 63801 Kleinostheim |
Nazione | Germania |
Get in contact with KOHERAS |
Prodotti o Macchinari
Our product portfolio: Laser Sources:
Fiber Lasers, ultra narrow linewidth, super-continuum, high power single mode
Argon-Ion Lasers, single-line in the blue and green wavelength spectra, dual- and multi line versions
Laser Diode Modules, standard modules for pointing, positioning and alignment as well as high-end modules for applications requiring suprior beam quality and stability
Diode-Pumped Solid-State Lasers, including Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, PPKTP, Fibre Lasers
Helium-Neon Lasers, cylindrical versions in the green, yellow, orange, red and IR wavelength range
Laser Systems for Materials Processing:
CO2 cutting and engraving systems
Nd:YAG marking systems