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Prodotti o Macchinari
DigiVU™ OVD - an overt security feature for protecting brands. DigiVU™ OVD enables manufacturers to communicate their brand identity cost-effectively and quickly, and keep it secure from counterfeiters. ChemiThermal™ A range of colour change inks/labels that activate at a given temperature. A range of colours is available. Process Indicators A range of indicator labels for all of the volume sterilisation processes, which use our own proprietary technology and production techniques to give clear indication of colour change after sterilisation. DataLase® is an exciting new colour change process for the high speed printing of images using low power laser light. This patented technology can be used for applications such as coding and dating of products, printing graphics, and security marking. The following laser imaging products are under development and, in some cases, are undergoing prototyping and market testing: Transparent Coatings for Plastic Films and Glass