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Prodotti o Macchinari
Vista Therm Double Glazing
Insulated glass for commercial and domestic applications
Structural glass with spider fittings, fins or tension rod systems.
Structural double glazing
Processed Glass and Mirror
Full range of CNC processed glass including glass doors, internal partitions, balustrades, floors, stairways and glass entrances
Toughened Glass
The largest toughening facilities in Europe - the most comprehensive range of toughened glass up to 19mm thickness
Solar Control Glass
Wide range of high performance glass types designed to reduce heat build up and heat loss
Vista Therm Roof Windows
A product range of bright ideas that let light into your home
Ceramic Painting and Screen Printing
Toughened panels for non-vision, vision-obscured building areas and exterior advertising / signage hoardings
Fire resistant glasses delivering specified levels of integrity and insulation
Frameless Glass Door Systems
Complete packages including side and overhead panels
Toughened glass thicknesses from 8mm to 12mm