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Indirizzo | Luoyang Dayang Refractory Co., Ltd. Mengjin County, SongZhuang Zone Luoyang City, 471121 |
Nazione | Repubblica Popolare Cinese |
Get in contact with Luoyang Dayang Refractory Co., Ltd. |
Prodotti o Macchinari
Our Company is a joint-stock factory, using advanced technique and special equipment for fused zirconium carborundum blocks with the oxidization method and producing high-quality zirconium carborundum blocks for glass kilns with an annual Output of the types of product sinclude AZS33, AZS36, AZS41, a-ß, ß-carborundum block and bulk refractory, and our Company is able to accomplish preassembly of cold processing of bricks .