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Indirizzo | RenoFacade De Hazelaar 5 5552 EC Valkenswaard |
Nazione | Paesi Bassi |
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Prodotti o Macchinari
Glass PreCleaner (010)
> Thoroughly cleans glass in one treatment
> Also removes scale, cement residue, etc.
> Pre-cleaner for Glass Protector 050
1. Thoroughly cleans in one treatment, even older glass.
2. Environment-friendly; water-based; no poisonous fumes, pH-neutral.
3. Nonflammable; EcoSafe.
4. Easy and fast to handle.
5. Water not required.
6. Non-aggressive; other facade materials remain undamaged.
- Intended to thoroughly pre-clean glass for glass improvement.
- Also intended to remove scale, cement residue, etc.
On which glass
Virtually all types of glass (not on etched or sandblasted side).