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Indirizzo | Fonon Display & Semiconductor Systems FononDSS 400 Rinehart Road Lake Mary, FL 32746 |
Nazione | Stati Uniti d´America |
Stato | Florida |
Get in contact with Fonon Display & Semiconductor Systems |
Prodotti o Macchinari
FononDSS brief list of products:
1. Fantom G6: Glass Scribing machine for G6
2. GW500AB: Glass Wafer Dicing
3. F300: Glass Wafer Cutting
4. SBM1200SG: Precision Mechanical Glass Cutting up to G5
5. ABS G4: Automatic Breaking System
6. F470GF: Integrated Laser Scribing and Breaking
7. FL600: ITO Coating Removal System
8. BlackStar SW300: Silicon Wafer Dicing
9. SBM777DC: Ceramic Scriber