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Indirizzo | Glass Machinery Works, LLC 300 ZIEGLER STREET HARMONY, PA 16037 |
Nazione | Stati Uniti d´America |
Stato | Pennsylvania |
Get in contact with Glass Machinery Works, LLC |
Prodotti o Macchinari
Glass Machinery Works, LLC is a multidimensional sales, engineering, manufacturing and service company with a number of employees who have 30+ years experience in producing flat glass processing equipment.
The cornerstone of GMW business is producing high quality, low cost, efficient Horizontal Flat Glass Washing Equipment using the latest modern technology. Innovative enhancements for conserving electrical power, water and sewage costs are additional features. GMW Washers also incorporate numerous enhancements to make servicing and maintenance quicker and easier.
GMW now has a complete Dry Film Laminating Assembly Line set up in our factory, to product Impact Glass Units per any customers´ requirement.
* Vertical Glass Washers
- 24" to 84" wide
* Glass Cleaner for Solar Panel Industry
* Glass Washers
- Sizes 14" to 120" wide
- Standard Lift Top and 4 Corner Screwjack
* Dry Film Laminating Equipment
* Heat Presses
- Sizes 36" to 84" wide
* Cold Presses
- Sizes 36" to 84" wide
* Tilt, Application, and Assembly Hard Surface Tables
* Roller Conveyors, Caster, and Air Float Tables
* Water Filtration and Conditioning Systems
* Model 1460-4 Glass Washer
* 60" x 60" Air Glide Assembly Table (Besten) - Fully Reconditioned
* Bruner Carbon Filter (Bruner)