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Indirizzo | Anyang Jiulong Mineral Industry Co.,Ltd Fineton Industrial Minerals Limited No.11, 3/F, International Trade Centre 11-19 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan Hong Kong |
Nazione | Repubblica Popolare Cinese |
Get in contact with Anyang Jiulong Mineral Industry Co.,Ltd |
Prodotti o Macchinari
The main products we can provide are :
Silica Products: glass grade silica sand, all grades foundry sand and construction sand, ceramic grade silica flour, silica flour for paints and fillers, silica flour for electronic fillers.
Feldspathic Products: glass grade Nepheline Syenite and ceramic grade Nepheline Syenite.
Other Products: glass grade Sodium Sulfate; Iron Oxide and Coke Powder.