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Indirizzo | Magnetic and Hydraulics Technologies Belgorodskaya Str. 10 49005 Dnepropetrovsk |
Nazione | Ucraina |
Get in contact with Magnetic and Hydraulics Technologies |
Prodotti o Macchinari
- The Roll Separator Turkenich The Roll Separator "Turkenich": with Nd-Fe-B Magnetic Circuit.
Intended for the upgrading of quartz sands, pegmatite, zircon and other materials removing weak magnetic particles. - The dry Barrier Magnetic Separator "Turkenich"
Intended for the treatment of weak magnetic ores, such as mineral sands, manganese, garnet and other ores. - The Drum Magnetic Separators with Nd-Fe-B Magnetic Circuit.
Intended for the dry treatment of weak magnetic ores. - The high-tension Separators
Intended for separation of minerals in accordance with electrical conductivity.